Six years ago I left for a higher education; with the grace of Allah I have achieved a graduate degree which places me in the 5% of the world educated population. As you can see I am extremely proud of my achievement. One good reason is that many of my teachers in school thought I would never finish high school let alone a master’s degree. It has been 5 months since my return to Kuwait, and all I can say that Kuwait government and parliament are a scar on the face of our rich history. What has happened in the last six years that changed many Kuwaitis to become money worshipers? Why is envy the order of the day? And why are there no plans for anything?
I never liked preachers, I hate preaching because we are human and tend to wrong once in a while, so it gives me a sense of hypocrisy when I point a finger. But today, there is nothing I can say that can be Hippocratic.
For a country so small that you can’t even fit its name within its boarders on any map we have inadicaute water and electrical supplies. Not one “ONE” governmental institute works in a decent, ethical, moral, level of commitment. The prophet prayers be upon him said “work is worship”. The point is that there are 3 million people in Kuwait. Thus statistically there should be 2 non Kuwaitis in any given mosque for every 1 Kuwaiti in any of the 5 daily prayers. Keeping in mind that at least 40% of those non Kuwaitis are non Muslim thus the odds should be about 1 non Kuwaiti to 1 Kuwaiti in any prayer. Reality states other wise, every prayer I have been to in many cities I have found nothing less than 10-15 non Kuwaitis to one Kuwaiti praying in a mosque “including the mullah”. Why don’t you go check the mosque close or far and painfully you will see the seed of our destruction has grown into a poisonous thorn.
While we (and I say we because I am a unit that is a part of a whole, what harms you harms me, and what pleases you pleases me) thrive daily through the abuse of low level workers and eat hearty as if it is our final meal, we lack self discipline.
For those who live through the sweat of others, and those who died rather than see others live, enjoy what little time God has given us.
Kuwait we are dead, we just don’t know it yet.
Six years ago I left for a higher education; with the grace of Allah I have achieved a graduate degree which places me in the 5% of the world educated population. As you can see I am extremely proud of my achievement. One good reason is that many of my teachers in school thought I would never finish high school let alone a master’s degree. It has been 5 months since my return to Kuwait, and all I can say that Kuwait government and parliament are a scar on the face of our rich history. What has happened in the last six years that changed many Kuwaitis to become money worshipers? Why is envy the order of the day? And why are there no plans for anything?
I never liked preachers, I hate preaching because we are human and tend to wrong once in a while, so it gives me a sense of hypocrisy when I point a finger. But today, there is nothing I can say that can be Hippocratic.
For a country so small that you can’t even fit its name within its boarders on any map we have inadicaute water and electrical supplies. Not one “ONE” governmental institute works in a decent, ethical, moral, level of commitment. The prophet prayers be upon him said “work is worship”. The point is that there are 3 million people in Kuwait. Thus statistically there should be 2 non Kuwaitis in any given mosque for every 1 Kuwaiti in any of the 5 daily prayers. Keeping in mind that at least 40% of those non Kuwaitis are non Muslim thus the odds should be about 1 non Kuwaiti to 1 Kuwaiti in any prayer. Reality states other wise, every prayer I have been to in many cities I have found nothing less than 10-15 non Kuwaitis to one Kuwaiti praying in a mosque “including the mullah”. Why don’t you go check the mosque close or far and painfully you will see the seed of our destruction has grown into a poisonous thorn.
While we (and I say we because I am a unit that is a part of a whole, what harms you harms me, and what pleases you pleases me) thrive daily through the abuse of low level workers and eat hearty as if it is our final meal, we lack self discipline.
For those who live through the sweat of others, and those who died rather than see others live, enjoy what little time God has given us.
Kuwait we are dead, we just don’t know it yet.
Labels: burn baby burn
I must passionately disagree! Yes Kuwait seems to be spiraling down, in regards to (as you have pointed out) the level of work ethics and maybe religious duty, but I wouldn't say that Kuwait is dead.
Personally, I see a lot of potential, there are many 'diamonds in the rough' - so to speak- but nonetheless they do exist. If they all manage to come together, then I am positive that they can help build a better Kuwait.
I may not be as religious as you are, (forgive me if I am basing my comment on an assumption - I hate to assume people's private matters) and maybe that's why I don't see how attendance at the local nearby mosque would affect a country's prosperity; however, I do understand that good morals (which are greatly advocated by most religions) are essential for the rise of any society and community, and the degradation of such morals may lead to a society's downfall. Some of these morals being honesty, perseverance and hard work, which seem to be on a downfall in the Kuwaiti workplace...
I hope you don't view my comment as harsh, because I do see where your frustration is coming from, and I feel it with you. I love my country, yet dread going back to the same backward mentalities I tried so hard to fight and escape. Yet, I strongly believe that there is so much that Kuwaitis can do, and I'm 100% sure that they can do so if they work at it.
Either way, I thought your blog interesting and informative. And thanks for taking time out to read my comment.
we are not dead!
were just slow
and we need some direction
but we are most definitly not dead
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Cixousian Panic I totally agree, but to be able to draw those who care from those who do not, one has to start with any extreme and find a midway point of agreement that can be placed as a plan then properly implemented for the better of our country. It mite be odd to look for those “diamonds in the rough” in places like blogger, but I will leave no stone unturned until I find every one of you. You are intelligent and sound; I will consider you “with your permission” my moderate side, if I get too steamed up. I have to search for many more try to bring them together and if we all do our part, maybe just maybe we have one final chance. Don’t get me wrong, I have no plans of going down without a fight that I promise, but winning battles requires preparation, planning and proper execution within what Allah sees just. And I am proud to say that I might have found one female blogger with a good head on her shoulders, and I wouldn’t trade her for many men I know (tap on back).
Eshd3wa, I will try to control my fast outburst, but I hope you re-conceder using “office word” before blogging, or was that to fast for you…..sorry just can’t hold it.
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