Once again we see a great example of how Kuwaitis have a good and forgiving nature especially in the holy month of Ramadan. if you haven’t been reading the news lately, this is what happened; “Wild il-Dira” made a joke or a comment on the program “girgi3an” and it seems that a certain family didn’t find it funny, and decided to go and trash Al-Rai channel in Salmiya. I didn’t see the show so don’t really know what it was exactly that triggered the last nerve and personably I don’t think the guy is funny. During the Eastern attack on the Al-Rai building, 3 officers were hurt, and some equipment was destroyed. The Rai decided not to pull charges, and Wild il-Dira made an official apology on the Rai channel and news papers. All of this in the 3ashra il Awa’7ir.
With that being said, I would like to point out my hypercritic nature and say, “good job guys.”
and dont forget, you know I know, everyone knows
Woow what could they have said to make someone react like that?
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