Drugs in Kuwait has seen a boom, especially after the gulf war. You have to understand there is nothing wrong with drugs. Drugs do exactly what they were made to do, it is the side effects that are the problem. Haseesh/Marijuana has other names, pot, stash, gear, cripy, skunk, reefer and so on. The main active ingredient is THC which is absorbed thought the respiratory system, gives a happy mood, usually accompanied by hysteric laughter after which the subject will feel hungry that is referred to as the “munchies“. It also causes short memory failure and depression. People who take it in excess or abuse it, will suffer minor withdrawals that are psychological usually accompanied by insomnia and loss of appetite. Cocaine in the other hand, is a hard drug, it gives you energy and false sense of security and strength. Usually the subject administering the agent will feel loss of appetite, and energy burst. These people can over dose if they take to much, there heart will beat so hard that it will eventually give way. Heroin, is one fucked up drug. There is no escape from it. It is gold, it is heaven, those how taste it will never be able to leave. People who smoke hashish have 100% recovery. Cocaine has a recovery point, If this point is passed, it will be difficult to deter the subject. don’t even have to comment about Heroin. So, if you are reading this and have a “joint” in your hand, cheers, have a good time, I pray that you grow out of it soon. If you’re a heroin user, don’t loose hope, there are those who have recovered, it is hard, but so was your choice when you decided to take it.
what happend, why are there many more people that smoke hash in kuwait, and i dont even mention drinking since it is normal now. Remember Kuwaiti’s have fun, be safe, and never forget that you know, I now, and every one knows.
it is the field of work that i am in the inspired me to write this piece.
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