Thursday, November 24, 2005

* جامعي * إقامة عامين * راتب 400 دينار
sorry i have been away for a while but I have been busy as hell. Got another 10page paper to write tomorrow. DamnL
Anyway, can you believe this crap. Why does our government keep doing these child like actions. It shows no leadership and definitely no creative talent. 400kd and a university degree. So now our drivers have to be university graduates. Ya, right. This law that has passed will further corruption. This corruption will come in the form of “wasta” (as usual). The damage has been done. There is to many cars for the road structure that we have. We need to work on the infrastructure not the poor people who make there living through driving cars. If the “bidoon” who have been oppressed for decades are considered non-Kuwait!!! What am I talking about, off course there not Kuwaiti, “There goes the taxi’s and the “wanet”.
Well, I can’t wait to see what’s next. Probably soon you can’t fish in Kuwait except if you’re a doctor!
dont forget, you know, i know, every one knows.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

this guy died when he flew out of the car at 200km/h
There are two things I would like to talk about, but I’m going to do them in two different posts. in this post I would like to examine Kuwaiti drivers and Kuwaiti traffic laws and norms. We all know that there are laws that have been placed to protect the rich and powerful. But there are other laws that are placed for our own protection. Traffic laws have nothing to do with the rich and powerful, but has everything to do with peoples safety. Kuwait has no shortage of written laws, it is the implementation part of traffic control that is questionable. Traffic police have proven to be incompetent in maintaining a low accident rate. YES, it has been proven that it is the traffic police that control the accident rate in a given population. WHY? Why do we have so many accidents? Because there is no one held responsible. If there is a slight percentage that a person would loose his job for not doing it, believe me they will do it. The key here is to actual have a person held responsible for the tens of thousands of deaths that have occurred due to human error. And it is not the minister of interior job, but it is his job to make sure the job is being done. Another critical issue rises when implementing the “responsibility theory”, we have to know what we are evaluating them on, if we evaluate them for writing tickets, all they would do is write tickets. But if we train them and teach them how to imply the theoretical teachings in the field, and have a clear understanding of what is expected of them in terms of outcome, we will see a vast improvement. when it comes to kuwaiti drivers, i prefer to plea the 5th

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Drugs in Kuwait has seen a boom, especially after the gulf war. You have to understand there is nothing wrong with drugs. Drugs do exactly what they were made to do, it is the side effects that are the problem. Haseesh/Marijuana has other names, pot, stash, gear, cripy, skunk, reefer and so on. The main active ingredient is THC which is absorbed thought the respiratory system, gives a happy mood, usually accompanied by hysteric laughter after which the subject will feel hungry that is referred to as the “munchies“. It also causes short memory failure and depression. People who take it in excess or abuse it, will suffer minor withdrawals that are psychological usually accompanied by insomnia and loss of appetite. Cocaine in the other hand, is a hard drug, it gives you energy and false sense of security and strength. Usually the subject administering the agent will feel loss of appetite, and energy burst. These people can over dose if they take to much, there heart will beat so hard that it will eventually give way. Heroin, is one fucked up drug. There is no escape from it. It is gold, it is heaven, those how taste it will never be able to leave. People who smoke hashish have 100% recovery. Cocaine has a recovery point, If this point is passed, it will be difficult to deter the subject. don’t even have to comment about Heroin. So, if you are reading this and have a “joint” in your hand, cheers, have a good time, I pray that you grow out of it soon. If you’re a heroin user, don’t loose hope, there are those who have recovered, it is hard, but so was your choice when you decided to take it.
what happend, why are there many more people that smoke hash in kuwait, and i dont even mention drinking since it is normal now. Remember Kuwaiti’s have fun, be safe, and never forget that you know, I now, and every one knows.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

I am happy that our Kuwaiti brothers have returned from detention in guantannamo. I wish them the best, I hope they will appreciate the efforts put by our beloved Kuwait ministry of foreign affairs. And I hope they stay away from trying to aid anything in places like Afghanistan and Iraq. Your back with your families now, and I bet the government will be more than ready to offer you jobs. So keep safe, and welcome backJ