* جامعي * إقامة عامين * راتب 400 دينار
sorry i have been away for a while but I have been busy as hell. Got another 10page paper to write tomorrow. DamnL
Anyway, can you believe this crap. Why does our government keep doing these child like actions. It shows no leadership and definitely no creative talent. 400kd and a university degree. So now our drivers have to be university graduates. Ya, right. This law that has passed will further corruption. This corruption will come in the form of “wasta” (as usual). The damage has been done. There is to many cars for the road structure that we have. We need to work on the infrastructure not the poor people who make there living through driving cars. If the “bidoon” who have been oppressed for decades are considered non-Kuwait!!! What am I talking about, off course there not Kuwaiti, “There goes the taxi’s and the “wanet”.
Well, I can’t wait to see what’s next. Probably soon you can’t fish in Kuwait except if you’re a doctor!
dont forget, you know, i know, every one knows.