Saturday, June 09, 2007


After reading George Tenants (previous CIA Director) new book Center of the Storm, I wonder if we are ready for another war. We are increasingly finding our selves in the center of our own storm especially that the next few elections in the United States will be dominated by liberals. Personally I have nothing against Liberals or Neo-cons never the less we find ourselves in close proximity with active terror cells, nuclear facilities, and massive amounts of ideological suicide theories which helps in some thing going wrong.
War is coming, agreeing or not is a matter that lies in the past. Are you ready is the question. No were not is the answer. Again, the issue of agreeing or not is settled quickly when we look at the reality of the situation. We need not look at our own defense mechanisms as they are incompetent, incapable, small, and fragile. We have no geographical depth to deploy a military withdrawal and fight tactic, we have no natural barriers like mountains, and this makes the assault extremely easier and removes the option of gorilla warfare. In other words we have no “what do the Spartans call it, oh ya” the HOTGATES.
I am not referring to internal problems, I am referring to the three giants we are surrounded by. No matter where they will come from I will be here to protect my lovely Kuwait. We all need to worry and prepare for the worst, and always pray for the best. That being said, lately the conduct of brother and sister Kuwaitis has to be questioned. Allah said if he wanted to destroy a nation he would order its “rich, elite, powerful, upper class, etc” to corrupt. That is exactly what people have been up to lately in every class not just the rich and powerful. Sorry, but I feel that the first invasion was a warning from God that we did not take seriously. I don’t think the next one is a warning; it just might be a punishment!!!!

Sunday, April 29, 2007


Modern slavery is a tragic story in Kuwait. We the people of the kindest hearts have become nothing more than slave traders and owners. Who of us has no housemaid from ether gender? Who from us has never raised their voice or even given them a dry attitude if only for once? Let alone the beatings, shouting, threats of deportation, humiliating, degrading, punishing, under wage, under fed, thrown out, locked up, untreated, over worked, and even unpaid. I know many of us can not comprehend these things, but there are those who do. Why should you care? Because, it is happening in your homes, if not then in your streets, neighborhoods, towns, cities, and most importantly your own country. We are all victims of our own greed. We have given other foreigners from other parts of the world the means to treat house workers with the same disgrace and harshness. Read this and do not be ashamed of what we have done, it is only human to err, and our poor workers will do the divine part of forgiveness. The main issues are good and bad examples of events, what policies and laws should be passed, and how we can force change through reasoning. Also try to remember as Muslims that happen to be Kuwaiti we do not just seek a brighter tomorrow but a better today and no one should cry coming to Kuwait, they should cry saying goodbye.
I only have one male worker who takes care of my house. I am treating him like a guest in my house. How can my family and I manage? Well, we just returned from a very long trip, where we had no maids or drivers or gardeners or babysitters, and learn from our experience. When we got back I got one male house taker who also cleans my room once every day and brings me food 3 times a day. He was in Kuwait four years prior to my arrival, where he obtain a driving license “lucky me”. To take him from his “previous owner” I had to pay him 300KD, sad to say he was a relative of mine. The reason behind this was a number of things, first and foremost was to make up for any ANY wrong doing that I might have emitted from my younger years against those who feed us when we were hungry, prepare our best clothing, care for us when we are sick, woke us up for school, drove us to school, friends, hospitals, and many more places. Secondly, I am a proud Muslim who has a beating human heart and a friend to common sense. The house worker was given a car to get us food and other services. A room with a T.V., satellite, DVD, and most importantly an A.C. you know “air condition”. He only needs to be home if my family was home without me. Though he takes Saturdays off sometimes and Sundays on others, he gets to go to his family and friends everyday and there not even in the same city, after all if I need him all I have to do is call. I also save in a bank account that I open for him 10KD every month which he will have access to when he no longer wants to work here, in other words “a pension” and he gets cash salary which he spends on his own accord. Now was that too hard? No, and I know he didn’t piss or spit in my food, I know I can trust him around my things “nothing missing or gone lost here”, I also sleep better with a clear conscious. I am no Dalai Lama, but it is considerably easier to be good with people than to feel good insulting them.
Many of you might be living in an apartment, which does not mean that house workers should get anything less in their rooms, especially an air conditioner. A brand new T.V. costs 24KD, a receiver 25 KD, and some privacy prices less. Over working is not only morally and ethically wrong, it is also a sin. Not paying a worker on time or delaying their payment is also a sin, as the Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) taught us that we MUST pay a worker before his/her (worker) sweat dries. Should I also mention how it is ethically wrong not to pay a workers salary especially when you have a car(s), cell phone(s), home phone(s), computer(s), and last but not least A PAYING JOB. How would you feel if the government missed one just one salary payment, what would happen to your cell phone bill, loan payments, mortgage, car payment, and most importantly your family? What words would you use to describe that moment if you were asked to be put them in words? Not too many words though, because working in Kuwait is considerably easier than it is working any other place “for Kuwaitis, Americans, and Brit’s of course”. It gets ridicules if you work in a governmental institute, where the primary consumption is not paper, its tea.
Parliament must push for laws that protect the house workers and government must implement these laws because it is Kuwait not the people who will be criticized in the end. As was the case in 2006 when the United Nations passed sanctions against Kuwait for it’s deep and semi solo involvement in human trafficking, this time the American President Bush vetoed the sanctions, but we will not have Bush as president for ever. What if next year Obama wins the elections, do you think he will veto the sanctions? The same sanctions that made him what he is today. Not saying the there will be an Indian running for Kuwait parliament, as there are no Kuwaitis running for the Indian parliament. Even if it was the case from how hard I have seen housemaids work and the true pain they endure to give their families a better chance in life I might just give them a vote, might get something accomplished in this country. Also we have been going to them thousands of years before they have been coming to us.
New laws that give workers the right to say no, leave a job if they are insulted, humiliated, or persecuted. Rules and regulations passed to insure the safety of those working in our homes and private properties. What should house workers be paid and how many hours they should work must be enforced by civil and criminal courts punishable by penalties, compensation and jail. Any inhumane acts taken against house workers or any worker at that must be swiftly, severely, and surely punished. These are the ways to build a better society, a society that respects others and does not discriminate against foreigners. There or those who consider south asian country workers as stupid! How can that be when they where civilized five thousand years before Islam ever came? If we as Arabs are so proud that we have invented the number zero let us not take credit from those that invented the numbers one to nine.
Shame that I had to write this paper to my own, but it must be read. The truth is in every Kuwaiti heart, which is why I don’t need to hear it from you. All you have to do is agree silently if need be. There are so many sad stories the memory space on this computer would not be sufficient. What Kuwaitis call “visa traders” is only a softer word for slave traders. I know that many might have a Hollywood stereotypical image of a black person being whipped and lashed into work to constitute a slave. That does not mean what is going on here is not slavery. How many of you pay more for their car every month than they do their worker? How many of you have a larger cell phone bill than a house workers salary? How many bought shoes willingly and smiling that also happen to cost more than your own house worker, a human? When you die can you really tell Allah that you have been remotely fair.
It will be extremely helpful if you can support this movement written by a proud Kuwaiti who only loves his people too much. Make copies send it to the next person, act kindly towards who work for you, put your self in their shoes, and don’t be proud of your self until you become a better Muslim.


Friday, April 27, 2007


Six years ago I left for a higher education; with the grace of Allah I have achieved a graduate degree which places me in the 5% of the world educated population. As you can see I am extremely proud of my achievement. One good reason is that many of my teachers in school thought I would never finish high school let alone a master’s degree. It has been 5 months since my return to Kuwait, and all I can say that Kuwait government and parliament are a scar on the face of our rich history. What has happened in the last six years that changed many Kuwaitis to become money worshipers? Why is envy the order of the day? And why are there no plans for anything?
I never liked preachers, I hate preaching because we are human and tend to wrong once in a while, so it gives me a sense of hypocrisy when I point a finger. But today, there is nothing I can say that can be Hippocratic.
For a country so small that you can’t even fit its name within its boarders on any map we have inadicaute water and electrical supplies. Not one “ONE” governmental institute works in a decent, ethical, moral, level of commitment. The prophet prayers be upon him said “work is worship”. The point is that there are 3 million people in Kuwait. Thus statistically there should be 2 non Kuwaitis in any given mosque for every 1 Kuwaiti in any of the 5 daily prayers. Keeping in mind that at least 40% of those non Kuwaitis are non Muslim thus the odds should be about 1 non Kuwaiti to 1 Kuwaiti in any prayer. Reality states other wise, every prayer I have been to in many cities I have found nothing less than 10-15 non Kuwaitis to one Kuwaiti praying in a mosque “including the mullah”. Why don’t you go check the mosque close or far and painfully you will see the seed of our destruction has grown into a poisonous thorn.
While we (and I say we because I am a unit that is a part of a whole, what harms you harms me, and what pleases you pleases me) thrive daily through the abuse of low level workers and eat hearty as if it is our final meal, we lack self discipline.
For those who live through the sweat of others, and those who died rather than see others live, enjoy what little time God has given us.
Kuwait we are dead, we just don’t know it yet.


Sunday, January 29, 2006

Well you might have read what the newspapers have been frantic about, the Danish daily newspaper showed 12 cartoons making fun of our beloved Mohamed (PBUH). The newspaper did these cartoons in reaction to a writer who could not find one artist to draw Mohamed (PBUH) for the cover of his book. So the newspaper asked 40 artist to draw cartoons of Mohamed (PBUH), 12 accepted and send in their drawings.
In other words the newspaper wanted to break the taboo and remove the fears of artist by making fun of our prophet. What a shame. Other bloggs say that we as a Muslim community started and made cartoons of the virgin Merry and her son also our prophet and messiah, no Muslim would every do such a thing, we would never make cartoons of the messengers of God, or great men even. We a proud of those who act In the name of humanity especially those who God sends us.
After a long search this is one of the cartoons, but I can’t find the rest, if you do send me the site

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Unlucky 13th, H.H. Sheikh Jabber was the thirteenth ruler from the 250year old AlSabah Dynasty. And what a man he was. Undoubtedly, the wind blew hardest when Sheikh Jabber was navigating our fragile boat. The shipmates were the least disciplined, the boat small, outnumbered and outmatched. The seas we had to pass was rough and unmerciful, it would need nothing less than a Captain made from gold and iron, who would shipshape the shipmates with a fist of iron and monopolies the oil fields so to secure his command and control. “Allah knows all”. instead Allah gave us a fragile, kind, warm hearted man. A man who was known to the people as smart and caring. But we never knew that he was so gentle and forgiving until we witnessed him forgive those who tried to assassinate him in 1985. Yes, he was kind and gentle, but he was nothing less that a man of Iron, who with his smile brought Mesopotamia to it’s knees.
I love him, Sheikh Jabber will be missed, and I know that H.H. Sheik Sa’ad will be just as wise and kind, and gentle to us. Thank you God for Kuwait, thank you For the AlSabah Family, those who we have adopted to rule and guide us, Alhamdullah.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

* جامعي * إقامة عامين * راتب 400 دينار
sorry i have been away for a while but I have been busy as hell. Got another 10page paper to write tomorrow. DamnL
Anyway, can you believe this crap. Why does our government keep doing these child like actions. It shows no leadership and definitely no creative talent. 400kd and a university degree. So now our drivers have to be university graduates. Ya, right. This law that has passed will further corruption. This corruption will come in the form of “wasta” (as usual). The damage has been done. There is to many cars for the road structure that we have. We need to work on the infrastructure not the poor people who make there living through driving cars. If the “bidoon” who have been oppressed for decades are considered non-Kuwait!!! What am I talking about, off course there not Kuwaiti, “There goes the taxi’s and the “wanet”.
Well, I can’t wait to see what’s next. Probably soon you can’t fish in Kuwait except if you’re a doctor!
dont forget, you know, i know, every one knows.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

this guy died when he flew out of the car at 200km/h
There are two things I would like to talk about, but I’m going to do them in two different posts. in this post I would like to examine Kuwaiti drivers and Kuwaiti traffic laws and norms. We all know that there are laws that have been placed to protect the rich and powerful. But there are other laws that are placed for our own protection. Traffic laws have nothing to do with the rich and powerful, but has everything to do with peoples safety. Kuwait has no shortage of written laws, it is the implementation part of traffic control that is questionable. Traffic police have proven to be incompetent in maintaining a low accident rate. YES, it has been proven that it is the traffic police that control the accident rate in a given population. WHY? Why do we have so many accidents? Because there is no one held responsible. If there is a slight percentage that a person would loose his job for not doing it, believe me they will do it. The key here is to actual have a person held responsible for the tens of thousands of deaths that have occurred due to human error. And it is not the minister of interior job, but it is his job to make sure the job is being done. Another critical issue rises when implementing the “responsibility theory”, we have to know what we are evaluating them on, if we evaluate them for writing tickets, all they would do is write tickets. But if we train them and teach them how to imply the theoretical teachings in the field, and have a clear understanding of what is expected of them in terms of outcome, we will see a vast improvement. when it comes to kuwaiti drivers, i prefer to plea the 5th